Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
hide apps

Security and organization are fundamental parts of managing your Android phone. Now and then, you might want to keep certain apps stowed away from intrusive eyes or clean up your home screen. Luckily, Android offers techniques to hide apps without requiring outsider apps or complex methodology. In this thorough aide, we will investigate the reasons for stowing away apps, potential use cases, and furnish you with a bit by bit guide on the most proficient method to really hide apps on your Android phone, guaranteeing you have control over your application perceivability.

Understanding the Need to Hide Apps

Reasons to Hide Apps

Stowing away apps can fill different needs, including:

  • Security: Concealing delicate apps, for example, banking or informing apps, safeguards your personal information from unapproved access.
  • Organizational Cleanliness: Decreasing mess on your home screen or application cabinet can make it more straightforward to find and access much of the time utilized apps.
  • Parental Control: Guardians can hide apps to restrict their youngsters’ admittance to specific content or elements.
  • Application Testing: For engineers or analyzers, stowing away apps is valuable to manage test versions independently from standard apps.

Getting ready to Hide Apps

hide apps

Observe Stowed away Application Names

Prior to stowing away apps, make a rundown of the application names or icons you want to conceal. You’ll require this information later to guarantee you can get to the covered up apps when vital.

Concealing Apps on Your Android Phone

Utilizing the Application Cabinet

  1. Open the Application Cabinet: Swipe up or tap the application cabinet icon on your home screen to get to your apps.
  2. Access Application Options: Contingent upon your gadget and launcher, you might have to tap on three spots or a settings icon.
  3. Select Hide Apps: Pick the “Hide apps” or comparable option.
  4. Select Apps to Hide: Imprint the apps you want to hide.
  5. Apply Changes: Tap “Apply” or “Done” to save your selections.

Utilizing the Home Screen

  1. Long-Push on the Home Screen: Track down a vacant space on your home screen, long-press it, and select “Home settings” or a comparative option.
  2. Hide Apps: Search for the “Hide apps” or “Application lock” section in your home screen settings.
  3. Select Apps to Hide: Pick the apps you want to hide from your home screen.
  4. Save Changes: Save your settings. The chose apps will vanish from your home screen.

Getting to Stowed away Apps

Utilizing the Application Cabinet

  1. Open the Application Cabinet: Access your application cabinet to the surprise of no one.
  2. Find Secret Apps: Look at the application cabinet until you find a section marked “Stowed away” or a comparative name. Stowed away apps will be seen as here.
  3. Access Stowed away Apps: Tap on the covered up application you want to utilize, and it will open not surprisingly.

Utilizing the Home Screen

  1. Long-Push on the Home Screen: Track down a vacant space on your home screen, long-press it, and select “Home settings” or a comparative option.
  2. Reveal Secret Apps: Search for the “Stowed away apps” or “Application lock” section in your home screen settings.
  3. Select Secret Apps: Pick the apps you want to unhide from your home screen.
  4. Save Changes: Save your settings. The chose apps will return on your home screen.

Managing Stowed away Apps

Intermittent Audit

  1. Review Your Secret Apps: Consistently evaluate the apps you’ve stowed away. Unhide or uncover them depending on the situation, guaranteeing your home screen stays organized and secure.


Stowing away apps on your Android phone is a clear interaction that can enhance security, organization, and generally client experience. Whether you want to keep delicate information secure, clean up your home screen, or manage parental controls, stowing away apps is a valuable device.

By following the bit by bit guide gave in this article, you can undoubtedly hide and access apps on your Android gadget, giving you more prominent control over your application perceivability. Partake in a cleaner, more organized home screen while keeping up with the protection and security of your apps.

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