Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Black Screen on Startup

Experiencing a black screen on startup is a common and baffling issue for Windows 11 clients. This issue can appear in different structures, for example, a totally black screen with no cursor or a black screen with an apparent cursor yet no work area or login screen. When confronted with everything going on, it tends to be trying to decide the hidden reason and, all the more significantly, how to determine it. In this exhaustive aide, we will investigate the potential reasons for the “Black Screen on Startup” issue and give a bit by bit solution to assist you with settling it and make your Windows 11 framework back ready without a hitch.

Black Screen on Startup

Understanding the “Black Screen on Startup” Issue

What Is the Black Screen on Startup?

The “Black Screen on Startup” issue alludes to a situation where your Windows 11 PC boots up however shows only a black screen. While you might see a cursor on the screen, there’s no indication of the work area or login screen. This issue can be especially vexing in light of the fact that it keeps you from getting to your PC’s assets. A few elements can contribute to this issue.

Likely explanations of the Black Screen:

  1. Graphics Driver Issues: Obsolete, contrary, or undermined designs drivers can prompt a black screen on startup. Illustrations drivers are fundamental for showing designs on your monitor, and any issues with these drivers can bring about a clear screen.
  2. Software Conflicts: Certain applications or ongoing programming installations might conflict with the framework, causing the black screen. These conflicts can happen because of similarity issues or defiled framework records.
  3. Hardware Issues: While more uncommon, defective equipment components like the GPU, Slam, or motherboard can set off this issue. Equipment issues can upset the ordinary boot cycle and result in a black screen.
  4. Windows Updates: now and again, Windows updates may not introduce accurately, prompting startup issues. On the off chance that a new update caused the issue, it very well may be important to address it to determine the black screen issue.

Settling the “Black Screen on Startup” Issue

Boot into Experimental Mode

  1. Restart Your PC: In the event that you are confronting the black screen issue, press Ctrl + Alt + Erase, then click the power button icon in the base right corner of the screen, and pick “Restart” while holding the Shift key.
  2. Choose Investigate: Snap “Investigate” > “High level options” > “Startup Settings” > “Restart.”
  3. Enable Protected Mode: After the restart, press the F4 key to boot into Experimental Mode. Experimental Mode loads Windows with fundamental drivers, bypassing potential conflicts that might be causing the black screen.

Update Illustrations Drivers

  1. Boot into Experimental Mode (while perhaps not currently in Protected Mode).
  2. Open Gadget Supervisor: Right-click on the Beginning button and select “Gadget Chief.”
  3. Expand Presentation Connectors: Find your designs card, right-click it, and pick “Update driver.”
  4. Search Naturally: Select “Search consequently for refreshed driver programming” and follow the prompts to refresh your designs driver. A new driver installation can frequently determine similarity gives that cause the black screen.

Uninstall Ongoing Programming

  1. Boot into Experimental Mode (while perhaps not currently in Protected Mode).
  2. Access Control Board: Press Win + X and pick “Control Board.”
  3. Programs and Highlights: Snap “Projects” > “Projects and Elements.”
  4. Uninstall Late Programming: Distinguish any as of late introduced or refreshed programming, right-click on it, and pick “Uninstall.” Eliminating risky programming can assist with wiping out conflicts that lead to the black screen issue.

Perform Framework Reestablish

  1. Boot into Experimental Mode (while possibly not currently in Protected Mode).
  2. Search for “Make a reestablish point” in the Beginning menu. Click on it.
  3. System Reestablish: Snap “Framework Reestablish” and adhere to the on-screen instructions to reestablish your framework to a past moment that it was working accurately. This can be particularly compelling on the off chance that you suspect that a new update caused the black screen issue.


Encountering a “Black Screen on Startup” issue in Windows 11 can be an overwhelming and troublesome experience, however with the right advances, you can frequently determine it without losing information or falling back on a full reinstall of Windows. Begin by booting into Protected Mode to analyze and address likely driver or programming conflicts. Refreshing designs drivers, uninstalling ongoing programming, and utilizing Framework Reestablish can assist you with conquering this issue and guarantee your Windows 11 PC boots up with practically no issues.

By following this bit by bit guide, you can successfully investigate and fix the “Black Screen on Startup” issue on Windows 11, restoring your PC once again operation and partaking in a problem free figuring experience. Recall that persistence and carefulness are your partners in settling this issue, and it’s dependably a decent practice to back up significant information prior to rolling out huge improvements to your framework.

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