Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Usually children do not get cancer. But today only when every eighth person in our own country is suffering from some kind of cancer or the other, children are also not untouched by it. It is difficult to tell the exact cause of cancer in children. The cause of cancer disease in them can be anything, such as wrong lifestyle, dependence on fast food or packaged food, ignorance of their minor problems, etc.

Types of cancer in children:


  • Leukemia (ALL, AML) This cancer, colloquially known as ‘blood cancer’, damages the bones of children. It can also be called ‘bone cancer’. In this, the skin of children starts to turn yellow. It is slightly more common in children than in adults.
  • Lymphoma – Lymphoma is a type of cancer, which is seen more in children.  In this, children start having problems like high fever and fatigue and at the same time their immune system also becomes weak.
  • Neuroblastoma – This is a type of cancer that can affect the newborn. In this disease, the upper parts of the kidneys are affected. Apart from this, it can also happen to older children. Children should contact their doctor as soon as possible if they see early symptoms.
  • Brain tumors in children – In this type of cancer, tumors begin to form in the brain of children. Apart from this, there can be different types of cancer in the brain, which are detected only after full diagnosis.
  • Bone cancer in children – Osteocorma and Ewings sarcoma are cancers in the bones, which can also be called bone cancer. This can be avoided by getting treatment at the right time.


Symptoms of cancer in children :-


  • Consistent weight loss.
  • Sudden enlargement of lymph nodes.
  • Headache and morning sickness.
  • Swelling or persistent pain in the bones, joints, back, or legs.
  • Excessive bruising, bleeding or the development of a rash.
  • Persistent infection of any kind.
  • The colour behind the pupil of the eyes turns into white.
  • Feeling constantly tired.
  • Difficulty in seeing or change of vision
  • Persistent fever.


Cancer treatment:-

It is a common belief that cancer cannot be cured, and the days of life of those who have this disease are only numbered. But there are many children and adults, who have been cured of cancer and are healthy even after many years of treatment. All we have to do is pay close attention to ourselves and especially to our children’s body .

  • If we see any different kind of changes in the body, we should immediately consult a qualified doctor and treat them properly at the right time.
  • Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery can be resorted to treat cancer.
  • Its treatment can be a bit expensive, but if there is medical insurance, then there will not be much trouble.
  • Treatment of childhood cancer is also covered under Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana.

Once the child is healthy after treatment, one should follow the doctor’s advice, the most important of which is positive thinking, right lifestyle, healthy mind and body, nutritious and homemade fresh food and regular yoga and Pranayama, because a serious disease like cancer affects the body as well as the soft mind of the child, which can be corrected only with positive thinking.

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