Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Flipkart Pay Later is a helpful payment choice for online customers, permitting them to make buys and pay for them at a later date. Be that as it may, there might come when you need to close your Flipkart Pay Later account. In this aide, we will walk you through the bit by bit course of shutting your Flipkart Pay Later account, as well as notice an elective strategy.

Sign into Your Flipkart Account


To start, sign into your Flipkart account utilizing your enrolled email ID and secret phrase. This will give you admittance to your account settings.

Stage 2: Explore to ‘My Account’

Once signed in, click on ‘My Account,’ which is generally situated in the upper right-hand corner of the Flipkart landing page.

Stage 3: Select ‘My Profile’

In the ‘My Account’ area, select ‘My Profile.’ This is where you can deal with your account settings and payment strategies.

Stage 4: Snap on ‘Flipkart Pay Later’

Under ‘My Profile,’ you will see different choices. Search for ‘Flipkart Pay Later’ and click on it to get to your Pay Later account settings.

Stage 5: Pick ‘Close Pay Later Account’

Inside the ‘Flipkart Pay Later’ area, you will track down a choice to ‘Close Pay Later Account.’ Snap on this choice to start the account conclusion process.

Stage 6: Affirm Conclusion

Flipkart will request that you affirm your choice to close your Pay Later account. Survey the agreements, and in the event that you make certain about your choice, click on ‘Affirm.’

Stage 7: Contact Client service (Elective Technique)

On the off chance that you experience any issues or incline toward a more straightforward strategy, you can likewise contact Flipkart’s client service. They will help you in shutting your Pay Later account. You can connect with them through the Flipkart site or application.


Shutting your Flipkart Pay Later account is a direct interaction that you can finish through your account settings. Notwithstanding, assuming you experience any troubles or favor help, make it a point to Flipkart’s client care. By following these means or looking for help, you can really close your Flipkart Pay Later account and deal with your internet shopping experience according to your inclinations.

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