Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
iphone 15 heating

Apple has affirmed that some iPhone 15 Pro models are overheating, and that the issue is brought about by a bug in iOS 17 and different elements. The organization says that the problem isn’t connected with the telephone’s equipment plan.

Apple has delivered a product update, iOS 17.0.3, which tends to the overheating issue. In any case, a few clients have revealed that the update has not totally settled the problem.

 What makes the iPhone 15 Pro overheat?

iphone 15 heating

The iPhone 15 Pro can overheat because of various variables, including:

  • A bug in iOS 17: Apple has affirmed that a bug in iOS 17 is making some iPhone 15 Pro models overheat. The bug is believed to be connected with the telephone’s A17 Bionic chip.
  • Weighty use: The iPhone 15 Pro is a strong gadget, and it can overheat in the event that it is utilized vigorously for expanded timeframes. This is particularly valid for requesting undertakings, for example, gaming, video web based, and expanded reality.
  • Blistering climate: The iPhone 15 Pro is bound to overheat in sweltering climate. This is on the grounds that the telephone’s inside temperature climbs all the more rapidly in sweltering climate.
  • Imperfect equipment: In uncommon cases, the iPhone 15 Pro might overheat because of a blemished equipment part. In the event that you suspect that your telephone has a deficient equipment part, you ought to contact Apple support for help.

What are the side effects of iPhone 15 Pro overheating?

At the point when the iPhone 15 Pro overheats, it might encounter the accompanying side effects:

  • Diminished execution: The telephone might dial back or become inert.
  • Warm to the touch: The telephone might feel warm or hot to the touch.
  • Battery channel: The telephone’s battery might deplete more rapidly than expected.
  • Application crashes: Applications might crash all the more much of the time.
  • Closures: The telephone might close down startlingly.

What else is there to do on the off chance that my iPhone 15 Pro is overheating?

In the event that your iPhone 15 Pro is overheating, you can do the accompanying:

  • Update your product: Ensure that you are running the most recent variant of iOS. Apple discharges programming refreshes routinely to fix messes with and improve execution.
  • Stay away from weighty use: Try not to involve your telephone for broadened timeframes for requesting undertakings, for example, gaming, video web based, and increased reality.
  • Utilize your telephone in a cool climate: Try not to involve your telephone in warm climate or in direct daylight.
  • Restart your telephone: Restarting your telephone can now and again fix minor programming errors that might be causing overheating.
  • Contact Apple support: On the off chance that you have attempted the abovementioned and your telephone is all actually overheating, you ought to contact Apple support for help.

Is the iPhone 15 Pro protected to utilize assuming it is overheating?

Apple says that the iPhone 15 Pro is protected to utilize regardless of whether it is overheating. Nonetheless, assuming the telephone is overheating unreasonably, it is ideal to try not to utilize it until it has chilled off.

Overheating can harm the telephone’s inward parts and abbreviate its life expectancy. It is essential to do whatever it may take to keep your iPhone 15 Pro from overheating, particularly on the off chance that you live in a warm environment or utilize your telephone for requesting undertakings.

How is Apple fixing the iPhone 15 Pro overheating issue?

Apple has delivered a product update, iOS 17.0.3, which tends to the iPhone 15 Pro overheating issue. Nonetheless, a few clients have revealed that the update has not totally settled the problem.

Apple is purportedly dealing with a more long-lasting fix for the overheating issue. The organization is supposed to deliver a product update before long that will additionally resolve the problem.


The iPhone 15 Pro overheating issue is a difficult problem that can influence the presentation and life expectancy of the gadget. On the off chance that you are encountering this issue, there are various things you can do to fix it, like refreshing your product, keeping away from weighty use, and involving your telephone in a cool climate.


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