Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Google has finally added a ‘Select All’ decision to the Gmail application on Android. This suggests that you can now squash up to 50 messages immediately, which can be a monster convincing contraption expecting you have a lot of irritating messages in your inbox.

The ‘Select All’ decision is worked with in the upper right corner of the Gmail application, when you are in your inbox. To use it, all around tap the three spots and as required ‘Select All’. You can then choose to pound, report, or move the picked messages by and large.

It is major to see that the ‘Select All’ decision is at present only open for Samsung Completely inspected plan and Google Pixel PDAs running Android 13 or 14. Notwithstanding, Google has said that it will do.


Why the ‘Select All’ Decision Is Useful

The ‘Select All’ decision is giant contemplating various parts. In any case, it can save you a lot of time if you have a lot of vexatious messages in your inbox. Instead of wrecking each message uninhibitedly, you can for the most part select all of them and obliterate them with one tap.

Second, the ‘Select All’ decision can help you with remaining worked with. If you have a lot of messages in your inbox, seeing them all can be dangerous. By using the ‘Select All’ decision to kill horrendous messages, you can keep your inbox magnificent and clean.

Limitation of the ‘Select All’ Decision

It is fundamental for see that the ‘Select All’ decision has a couple of endpoints. In any case, should be used to pick the huge 50 messages in your inbox. Continuing onward through you have more than 50 upsetting messages, you ought to eradicate them in parties.

Second, the ‘Select All’ decision isn’t open for all contraptions. It is correct in the long run only open for Samsung World and Google Pixel cells running Android 13 or 14. Anyway, Google has said that it will do to extra contraptions soon.

How to Use the ‘Select All’ Option

To use the ‘Select All’ decision, follow these frameworks:

Open the Gmail application on your Android remote.

Step-1 Underwriting that you are in your inbox.

Step-2 Tap the three pieces in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step-3 ‘Select All’.

Step-4 Tap the waste vault picture to kill the picked messages with everything considered.

Ways to deal with the ‘Select All’ Option Effectively

Use it to kill irredeemable messages in mass. In case you have a lot of upsetting messages in your inbox, you can use the ‘Select All’ decision to meanwhile kill them. This can save you a lot of time.

Use it to stay made. By using the ‘Select All’ decision to wreck staggering messages, you can keep your inbox confusing and clean. This can make it on an extremely fundamental level even more clear to find the messages that you genuinely care about.

Be vigilant while using it. It is critical for be cautious while using the ‘Select All’ decision, as it can out of the blue eradicate major messages. Guarantee that you have picked all of your ideal messages to kill before you tap the waste canister picture.

Right when to Do whatever it takes not to Use the ‘Select All’ Decision

There are a couple of conditions where you should do whatever it takes not to use the ‘Select All’ decision. You, unequivocally, should truly do whatever it may take not to include it if you have a lot of central messages in your inbox. As impacted above, it is head to be wary while using the ‘Select All’ decision, as it can out of nowhere obliterate fundamental messages.

Second, you should really do whatever it may take not to use the ‘Select All’ decision to kill. If you are dangerous about a message, it is ideal to leave it in your inbox until you have extra a section to focus in on it.


The ‘Select All’ decision is a goliath new part for Gmail clients on Android. It can save you a lot of time and help you with remaining made. Finally, it is central for be careful while using it, as it can startlingly demolish manager messages.

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